ClassicKeys : Bring Back The Old iOS 6 Style Keyboard For iOS 7 and 8
As per the latest reports more than 70 percent of Apple device users have already upgraded to iOS 8, followed by iOS 7 which takes up most of the remaining share. Even though these users have upgraded to the latest iOS version, many of them still can’t get over the simplicity and elegance of iOS 6. Users with jailbroken devices who are willing to try some iOS 6-inspired tweaks must check out 7Shaders, ClassicLockscreen, SixBar, ClassicBadges and the likes
Being added to the list of iOS 6-inspired tweaks is ClassicKeys, a new entrant that replaces the iOS 8 keyboard with an iOS 6 style keyboard. ClassicKeys is available on BigBoss repo and can be downloaded for free. It is compatible with both iOS 7 and iOS 8.
How To Get An iOS 6-Style Keyboard On iOS 8

First and foremost you must open Cydia and let the latest packages be fetched. Once Cydia completes refreshing the list of available packages, search ClassicKeys and install the tweak. Perform a respring and you are all set to use the iOS 6 keyboard on your iPhone, iPod or iPad.
Should you want to disable the tweak at will you may do so by navigating to Settings > ClassicKeys and turning off the toggle.
Apparently, per my own experience, the tweak worked better than I thought it would. Even if it does not go down well with the overall iOS 8 appearance, the way it performs works in its favour and I would certainly ask you to try it.
What do you think about ClassicKeys ? Do you plan on trying it ?