Secret-Lock : Keep Your LockScreen FROZEN & Keep Strangers Outside – iOS 8
iOS is a secure mobile operating system and its ability to keep intruders away is simply remarkable. The lock screen on your Apple device is like a wall made from titanium, extremely hard to break. Having said that, your passcode protected device is still vulnerable and people, who at some point have seen you entering your passcode, could try to invade your beloved iPhone, iPod or iPad.
Touch ID is definitely a brilliant means of avoiding such intrusions but not all the devices feature it, not the old generation models at least. People who use the regular password protection feature and have lock screen notifications enabled for most of the apps can now make their devices even more secure.
Secret-Lock is a new tweak available on Cydia that allows users to protect the iOS lock screen with activator gestures. The tweak freezes the lock screen, thus making the passcode screen and notifications inaccessible, and can only be brought to the normal state by an activator gesture set by the owner of the device.
Secret-Lock is available for free from the BigBoss repo and supports both iOS 7 and iOS 8.
How To Protect iOS Lock Screen With Activator Gestures
Launch Cydia from the home screen, let it fetch the latest tweak packages and search ‘Secret-Lock’. Install the package, perform a respring and head to Settings > Secret Lock. There will be three toggles; one for enabling the tweak, the other for animation and the last one for vibration. Enable the tweak and scroll further down the preferences page, and select ‘Activation Events’. From under ‘Activation Events’ select the activator gesture you want to trigger Secret-Lock with and you are done.
HOW TO USE: On accessing the lock screen now it would be frozen and will not respond to your touches. At this point use the gesture you had set in the steps above and a green coloured lock should appear confirming the tweak has been disabled. Now, every time you lock your device you would have to un-freeze the lock screen in order to proceed.
What do you think about Secret-Lock ? Sound off in the comments!
can u make video to “unlock drag from top edge to bottom”?