TOP 25 Best Cydia Tweaks & Apps For iOS 8.4/8.3/8 – With TaiG 2.2.0/2.3.0 Jailbreak

TOP 25 Best Cydia Tweaks & Apps For iOS 8.4/8.3/8 – With TaiG 2.2.0/2.3.0 Jailbreak

The iOS 8.3 and 8.4 jailbreak has been around for a while now, and that means the apps and tweaks are really starting to get into the sweet spot of functionality.

 The first ever publicly iOS jailbreaking tool TaiG 2.0 had some installation issues, so the developers’ team quickly patched the issues with the latest TaiG Jailbreak tool 2.1.1. and 2.1.2 / 2.1.3 / 2.2.0 / 2.3.0 and 2.3.0 .

First, prior to installing the tweaks listed below, Jailbreak your device on iOS 8.3 by following our latest TaiG version 2.3.1 Jailbreak tutorial.

So we finally have a large number of jailbreak apps and tweaks that are now working with iOS 8.4 and 8.3 . So we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite free jailbreak apps and tweaks for iOS 8.4/8.3/8.

If you’re looking for new tweaks for your freshly jailbroken iPhone. Here’s a great place to get started !


Full tweak list

All tweaks are on default Cydia repos unless otherwise specified.

#1. Secret-Lock is a recently released jailbreak tweak that freezes the iOS Lock screen until a secret Activator gesture is used. This allows you to secure the Lock screen and prevent swipes, and Control Center or Notification Center invocation gestures.

After you install Secret-Lock, head over to the Settings app and locate the tweak’s preferences. There, you can enable the tweak, show an animation when the proper gesture is entered, and enable or disable vibration.

Most importantly, you’ll need to establish an Activator gesture to use on the Lock screen. Once you do, Lock your device, and you’ll notice that the Lock screen is completely frozen.

Enter the gesture that you established in Secret-Lock’s preferences, and you’ll see the unlock animation. You’ll then have the ability to use swipe gestures on the Lock screen and open Control Center or Notification Center.

Secret-Lock will keep your device secured from most people, unless they happen to know that you use the tweak. If so, it’s just a matter of figuring out the gesture that you selected in order to unfreeze the Lock screen. Thankfully, the person would still have the Lock screen security to deal with before they gained access to your device’s SpringBoard.

#2. ColorBadges is an upcoming jailbreak tweak that was recently submitted to Cydia’s BigBoss repo. It allows users to colorize app badges based on the color of the app icon. For example, if you have a badge on the Cydia app, the color of the badge will be brown, which corresponds to the color of the Cydia app.

Along with the addition of app matching color to the badges, ColorBadges adds an outline to the outside of the badge to make the color stand out even more. ColorBadges is a great looking jailbreak tweak, and I think that it significantly improves the look of app badges. It makes it so that you don’t mind having tons of app badges proliferating your Home screen, and that’s saying a lot.

#3. Watusi If you are a dedicated WhatsApp for iOS user then chances are that there are many things you would want to change about the popular messaging app. Although WhatsApp provides an easy way to communicate with friends there are a few annoyances associated with the app that if removed will make using it a better experience. A new Cydia tweak called Watusi aims to fix all of these issues for users allowing them to disable features and make changes to the application.

 Watusi tweak brings some really useful functionalities that includes the Freeze LastSeen feature, which prevents the app from updating your ‘Last Seen’ status even if you have it turned on from app’s settings. The tweak has the ‘Read Receipts’ feature that prevents others from knowing that you have received as well as read their message.

Here’s a full list of features Watusi tweak adds to WhatsApp

Freeze LastSeen: Stops the app from updating your ‘Last Seen’ status.

Read Receipts: Stops the app from sending delivery or read receipts to other users.

Status Length: Increases status length from 139 characters to 256 characters.

Profile Photo Fit: Allows users to fit photos to the box when changing profile pictures.

Unlimited Photos Selection: Select unlimited amount of photos when sending them to other users.

Always Connected: Always show the send button even when offline (similar to Android app).

Ask for call: Ask before calling any user to avoid accidental calls.

Dark Keyboard: Bring dark keyboard to the app.

Disable Landscape: Fully disable the landscape mode (even works when the rotation mode is on).

Hide Timestamps: Hide timestamps for messages.

Change Font: Allows users to change font color, size and URL color

Change Usage Statistics: Change the usage stats for WhatsApp including received messages, sent messages, amount of data sent or received and more.

CC Flipswitch for LastSeen and Read receipt: Adds a flipswitch to enable or disable Last Seen and Read receipts to Control Center.

#4. CyDelete8 The regular method of deleting Cydia tweaks requires you to launch Cydia and then view the list of installed tweaks, before finding and deleting the same one by one.

However, We’ll use an app which itself comes from cydia called CyDelete8, previously it was known as CyDelete but after the iOS 8 update it start throwing frequent error. However the developer Ryan Burke is one of those active cydia developer who immediately start working and released an update called Cydelete8 (iOS 7 and 8) which is working perfectly with iOS 8 and iOS 7.

Not all cydia tweaks leave an app icon on springboard, however there are couples which do. Cydelete8 can only delete those app which leave an icon on springboard. Some of those apps are Winterboard, iFile, Activator etc. In this guide, we’ve taken Winterboard as an example.

That’s it, Cydelete8 comes enabled by default, so you don’t need to do anything just keep on deleting cydia tweaks directly from springboard. However if you ever want to customize the cydelete8 option then you can easily do that by opening the setting app > cydelete8.

#5. PowerPlus is not the first tweak of the plan for iOS, but the most aesthetically pleasing. After installing the slider to “Off”, which is activated by pressing the top buttons will change to a matte panel with four buttons. With their help, you can perform the necessary action with the device.

In the same settings menu iOS 8, you can enable and disable the tweak. Each of the four buttons is responsible for its action: top – off gadget, the second reloads home screen, and the third activates safe mode, which disables all tweaks, the fourth – hides from the screen window PowerPlus.

The tweak is very simple and has no other functionality. Useful for users who are actively experimenting with their gadgets.

PowerPlus is compatible with iOS 8.3 – 8.4  and available through Cydia for free.

#6. Photo Info Photography is one of the most popular uses of the iOS devices, especially iPhone. iPhone delivers a powerful camera to take stunning photos. However you might be surprised to know that iOS doesn’t allow you to see the details of an image. You can’t even see the name of a photo or video in the stock Photos app. But you are in luck if you own a jailbroken iOS device. Photo Info tweak adds the missing button to get the detailed info of each photo/video in the Photos app.

 This tweak simply adds an info button (i) in the photo/video view of the Photos app. Once you tap this button it will show you all the details you need to know about your photos or videos. You can view the name of photo, directory where it is stored, resolution, size, orientation, color space and much more. It also tells the coordinates of the location where the photos were taken. Moreover it also allows you to view that location in the Maps app.

This info gets doubled when you tap the info button (i) for a video. Besides all the details mentioned above it also shows you the model of the iOS device, focal length, APEX Aperture value, F Number, Exposure Time, white balance, sensing method and much more for a video.

You can also enable/disable the time stamps by tapping the ‘More’ button at the top right corner of the info page. Once you enable it, you will get the date and time of the photos in a translucent bar at the bottom while you browse through your photos.

Photo Info is a must have tweak and you can get it for free from Cydia. It supports all devices running iOS 5 up to iOS 8.3 and 8.4 .

#7. Cheesecake With the introduction of Android L Google added some nice animations and transitions to the operating system. The so called ‘Material Design’ has some good aspects and one of them is the new lock animation that appears when you press the lock button on a stock Android device. The animation shows the screen fade out while going black and white. The animation happens so fast that you may not have noticed how good it is. If you have noticed it and have been looking for a way to have it on your iPhone then a new tweak called CheeseCake can help. This tweak brings Android Lollipop’s lock animation to iOS, showing users a stylish animation whenever they press the lock button.

 The CheeseCake tweak does a nice job in bringing this Android feature to iOS, and applies some enhancements to make it suit on Apple’s mobile platform. There are no options to configure for this tweak and it starts working as soon as you download it from Cydia.

If you are not familiar with Android’s current lock animation then you can see it in action in the video below. The video nicely showcases it by running the animation in slow motion.

You can get CheeseCake for free from the BigBoss repository. It is fully compatible with all versions of iOS 8 / 8.3 – 8.4 .

#8. TransparentCameraBar is a jailbreak tweak that allows you to make the UI featured in the stock Camera app transparent. The jailbreak tweak, free on Cydia’s BigBoss repo, is a way to trick yourself into having “more” real estate for the view finder.

I should mention that this is more like a WinterBoard theme, than a tweak that impacts the photo’s end result. If you take a photo either with, or without this tweak, the end result will be the same. It’s simply a visual tweak that zooms in the camera UI to give the appearance of a bigger viewfinder.

Setting the slider down to 0.0 makes the UI totally transparent, and it’s actually unusable in this state. Obviously, you want to use caution when setting the slider to 0.0, as you won’t be able to snap any photo’s using the software shutter. If you prefer it this way, you can still snap photos using the hardware volume keys.

The sweet spot, if you want to have as much transparency as possible without making the software functions unusable, is 0.1. That’s the setting I recommend, as it lets you use the UI shutter, video switcher, and camera roll shortcut, with minimal interference from the UI.

TransparentCameraBar gives you a bigger viewfinder. No additional resolution is added to the photo, but the final photos will reflect the changes seen in the viewfinder. In actuality this means that the final photos will not differ at all from a photo taken without this tweak. It’s just the viewfinder that gives you more real estate, nothing more.

Some are saying the tweak is worthless, but if you want your viewfinder to be larger, this is nice tweak for you. No, it won’t result in larger photos, or the ability to unveil a hidden part of the picture. Like I stated, it’s purely a UI tweak, nothing on the actual photo end is impacted.

The tweak works best with 4 inch devices like the iPhone 5, and iPod touch 5th generation. If you decide to take TransparentCameraBar for a ride, then be sure to send me some feedback in the comments section below.

#9. Springtomize 3 brings tons of customization options to the iOS SpringBoard. Its name is literally the combination of the two words: SpringBoard + Customize = Springtomize. Head over to Cydia’s BigBoss repo to download it now.

Springtomize jailbreak tweak allows users to alter and customize just about any part of iOS, From the Home Screen, Lock Screen, dock to Control Center, folders, status bar and much more, there’s very little that Springtomize can’t do. There are a bunch of options to choose from. In short: Springtomize 3 is the one tweak to rule them all in the customization department.

Where users previously had to download a number of tweaks to get the setup they wanted, Springtomize is now that one solution they need to tweak iOS any which way they like.

The package has now been updated on Cydia to fully support the recently released TaiG iOS 8.4 jailbreak, ensuring that users get the latest and greatest customization options out there in the jailbreak world, regardless of the version of iOS they may be running.

The tweak is available to download directly from the BigBoss repo in Cydia and currently supports all iPhones, iPads and iPod touches running iOS 8.4.

#10. PullToRespring If you’re a long time jailbreak user, you’ll know that a lot of tweaks require you to respring your device after installing them from Cydia or when you configure their settings. There is a lot of tweaks on Cydia that mimic the Respring functionality, but PullToRespring is a brand new jailbreak tweak that takes advantage of the Settings menu in order to perform the same job.

Normally, most other tweaks provide an option to respring your device after long holding the Sleep button. On the other hand, PullToRespring takes advantage of the Settings menu by allowing you to respring your device by swiping down the menu, the same way you would swipe down the mails list in the stock Mail app to check for new emails.

Yet, if you’re interested to take this tweak for a ride, PullToRespring is available on Cydia’s BigBoss repository for free and works on both iOS 7 and iOS 8 / 8.3 – 8.4  devices.

What do you think of PullToRespring? Do you prefer this tweak over others available on Cydia? Let us know in the comments section below.

#11. StatusHUD 2 If you find yourself annoyed with the volume or silent mode pop up window when watching videos, playing games, listening to music, or simply using any application, then look no further than a free tweak named StatusHUD 2 developed by Alan Yip.

StatusHUD moves the heads up display for both volume and silent mode to the status bar. This is a great tweak to move the somewhat interfering heads up display away from the center of the screen. Users will notice that the tweak also works in fullscreen applications.

The tweak provides its own preference pane in general Settings where you can enable, disable the tweak, adjust the style, size and dismiss delay. Users can choose from seeing circles or squares when they increase or decrease the volume on their device. There are four dismiss delay speeds, which is the speed in which users see the volume on the status bar change to the original one.

Don’t forget StatusHUD 2 is a free tweak which can be found in the BigBoss repository and it’s compatible with iOS 7/8 – 8.3 – 8.4  and 64-bit devices.  Let us know what you think of the tweak in the comments.

#12. burst mode Sometimes you want to capture a fast moving object, or perhaps something that just doesn’t sit still for too long, and for that a burst mode on your camera is ideal.

Here’s where the Burst Mode Cydia tweak comes in handy as it will allow you to take multiple photos by holding the shutter button down.

This tweak works with iOS 6 or higher. Burst Mode v1.0-1 tweak for allows you to tap and hold on the shutter button from the Camera application to take multiple photographs in rapid succession. If you want to take photos with flash or HDR and burst then use Flash Burst” and “HDR Burst” options. Burst Mode for iOS 7/8 provides unlimited photos and like iOS 7/8 user experience.

You will need to enable the tweak via the toggle switch before you can start using it. Afterwards, you will be able to adjust the time of delay between holding down the shutter button and when the burst shots actually begin.

There are a few settings included which will allow you to take bursts of photos in both flash and HDR mode, as well as tweaking the interval and hold time delay.

Burst Mode is available for free in Cydia via the BigBoss repo.

#13. Messages Customizer If you could change the look and feel of iOS 7/8 Message app, would you do it? That is precisely what Message Customizer, a new Cydia tweak for iOS 7/8 , lets you do.

The default blue colors of the Message app in iOS 7/8 are great but what if you could change them to a variety of other combinations? Take a look at all the features in Message Customizer and you’ll probably install it right away.

Message Customizer is a new tweak designed to let you change the look of iOS 7/8’s message app. From the tweak’s settings, you can change a lot of things. This includes:

The color of the message bubbles: you can change both the colors (of messages sent by you and messages sent by others).

One of the best things about Message Customizer is that it’s a non-Winterboard based tweak. I think we’re seeing more tweaks come up that do not rely on a theming application like Winterboard – which is great because that means less resources used.

Message Customizer is freely available on the ModMyi repo. It’s iOS 7/8 – 8.3 / 8.4 compatible.

#14. Record ‘N’ Torch is a tweak that lends the ability to be able to enable and disable the camera flash while in the middle of recording video. 

As you can see, prior to the installation of the tweak, no torch option exists while the camera is in use recording video. Afterwards, however, you see the little torch icon, which is also draggable on screen. Once pressed, the little torch icon is highlighted witha yellow tin, indicating that the flash is in use.

Record ‘n’ Torch features a brief preferences panel containing a kill switch, and a toggle for disabling quick dismiss while in the Camera app. The settings also contain an explanation stating how the tweak works.

Obviously this isn’t the most sought after tweak in the book, but if you take a lot of videos, it’s definitely worth a look. Record ‘n’ Torch is available as a free download on Cydia’s BigBoss repo. What do you think about it?

#15. cacheclearer If you have Ryan Petrich’s beta repo added to Cydia, then you likely saw the presence of a new jailbreak tweak called CacheClearer. The tool, which is available for free, allows users to clear app caches from the Usage section of the stock Settings app. The great thing about CacheClearer is that it feels like a native part of iOS, and not a bolt-on. If you’re looking for a sleek way to manage individual app cache, then you should definitely give CacheClearer a look.

Once you install CacheCleaner, you won’t find any preferences for the tweak in the normal spot in the Settings app. Instead, you’ll find a native-looking entry under the General → Usage → Manage Storage section of the stock Settings app. Once there, tap on the app whose cache you would like to clean, and tap the “Clear App’s Cache” button. Once you do, you’ll need to wait a bit while the Cache is cleared. Depending on how big the app’s cache is, it could take a few seconds.

After the cache is cleared, you’ll be presented with a pop-up box that tells you how much space has been reclaimed by clearing the cache. I cleared Instagram’s cache, and was able to recover about a quarter of a gigabyte of space. Not too shabby.

You may have noticed that CacheClearer also adds a new “Reset” button under the Manage Storage section of the Settings app. This reset button basically allows you to reset an app back to default, as if it was just installed.

CacheClearer can be had free of charge from Ryan’s beta repo: and it comes with my recommendation. It’s not only a good way to clean app cache, but it’s a good way to reset apps to factory settings without necessitating an uninstall and reinstall.

What do you think about CacheClearer?

#16. barrelRoll iPhone users can now make iOS do a barrel roll as well. It’s possible by means of a recently developed tweak by Ryan Petrich.

The tweak, which is appropriately entitled BarrelRoll, allows you to make your iPhone do a Barrel Roll on command.

Once you install BarrelRoll, you’ll need to head to Activator’s preferences in the stock Setting app. From there, you can assign the BarrelRoll action to your gesture of choice. As I always tend to do, I assigned the tweak to a double tap on the status bar gesture.

Anytime you want to make iOS perform a barrel roll, simply invoke the tweak using your assigned Activator gesture and iOS will barrel roll on command. It works at the Home screen, within apps, and you can even interact with iOS mid-barrel roll.

Obviously, this tweak is one of the novelty variety, and won’t be for everyone. But for those of you who grew up in my era, and are familiar with Star Fox, it’s a pretty awesome tweak to have. You can find BarrelRoll free of charge on Ryan Petrich’s beta repo:

Let me know what you think about BarrelRoll in the comments. Would you use it ?

#17. RePower is a simple tweak that adds several new features to the power down screen. It adds a button for respring, a button for rebooting, and an uptime readout for your device.

After installing RePower, you can respring, reboot, or power off from the convenience of the power down screen.

After installing RePower, you can go to the Settings app to find the tweak’s preference panel. There’s not much contained within RePower’s preferences; it’s just a toggle to require a double-tap to use the reboot or respring buttons on the power down screen. Unfortunately I found that the toggle didn’t seem to make a difference one way or another; resprings happened with a single tap even when the toggle was enabled.

Hopefully the developers can tighten up the issue with the toggle, but otherwise I think RePower is a solid tweak. It’s nice to be able to showcase your device’s uptime, especially if you like to keep it running for days on end.

RePower can be had free of charge via Cydia’s BigBoss repo. As I always say, let me know what you think about the tweak in the comments below.

#18. Iconoclasm is an app that works out of the setting app which allows you to change what the stock iPhone icons allow you to do. With this tweak you can make as many rows or columns as you want. You can also simply place your icons freely on the screen as well as changing the size between the apps. I would really recommend to get if you like what you homescreen looks like.

Iconoclasm is a tweak that lets you break the barriers of what you can do with your icons. Previously, you had to deal with multiple extensions that didn’t necessarily play nice with each other, or use blank web clips. Not anymore.

You can define as many rows or columns you want. You can even break free from rows and columns, and simply have icons placed freely on your home screen. It’s all up to you.

By the creator of Five-Column SpringBoard.

#19. Nightmode8 (iOS 8) jailbreak tweak brings darken the user interface of applications and enjoy a greatly improved user experience. Most importantly Nightmode 8 offers improvements in stability and extends compatibility to more applications. After install this tweak you can options to configure in Setting app.

Nightmode Features

  • Replace application splashscreens.
  • Flipswitch toggle.
  • Activator listener.
  • Scheduling Nightmode’s activation (through Activator).
  • Configurable options on a per application basis.
  • Fully customisable tint and table selection colours from the settings application.
  • Plays nice with biteSMS and the native messages application.

What’s new in Nightmode8 (iOS 8) version

  • No more private framework linking.
  • Added safety for App Store if the framework changes in the future.
  • Fix for Couria.
  • Fix for the native Calculator app, caused by a missing comma.
  • Using a more popular settings writing method.
  • Improved attributed strings colourisation (experimental, hasn’t caused any crashes, however!)
  • Improved support for Fortune.

Not compatible with iPad
Also available, Nightmode for iOS 7

Nightmode 8 offers a means to elegantly reduce the brightness of many applications on iOS 8. Nightmode 8 is a refactor of the original Nightmode with added functionality and a wide variety of improvements. It offers users the option to set one an amount of predefined colour schemes and alternatively the option to create their own colour profile. Most importantly Nightmode 8 offers improvements in stability and extends compatibility to more applications.

It includes support for both first and third-party applications and has a variety of options. Nightmode can be toggled and scheduled with an Activator or Flipswitch action which offers clean integration with regular usage.

#20. GuestMode the much anticipated jailbreak tweak that adds Guest Mode functionality to your iPhone has just been released on Cydia.

The tweak adds a Guest Mode button to the passcode lock screen. When you tap on it, it gives someone access to your iPhone’s Home screen, however you can restrict access to the apps and other iOS features such as access to Notification Center, Control Center, app switcher, Spotlight, Siri etc and even restrict the ability to close apps from the app switcher.

By default the apps will be greyed out and the person who tries to access your device won’t be able to access the apps. You can then selectively allow access to certain apps via the Settings app.

You also have the option to change the position of the Guest mode button, and the option to set a passcode for the guest mode, so only authorized people can access the device.

#21. MoreTimer iOS 8 added the new Timer feature in stock Camera app of the operating system. This is certainly among the list of best features that were added in the software update, as it made the life of iPhonegraphers a lot easier. If you feel like the Timer option in Camera is not powerful enough and would like to add more features to it then a new tweak called MoreTimer can help you in achieving this task. It has several notable features that give you more control over how Timer works on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

The most notable feature of MoreTimer tweak is that it enables users to add three more timer options in addition to the three that are already available. Making it possible for you to have up to 6 countdown options. On its preference page you can simply type the number of seconds you want the timer to count before taking the shot and then select those options from app’s UI. Another cool feature of this Camera tweak is that you can use it to enable timer feature in Burst mode.

MoreTimer also gives you control over the torch’s blinking when timer mode is on. You can either choose to disable it or change the amount of seconds when double blinking starts. It allows you to change the blinking styles for the torch as well.

Overall MoreTimer is a nice tweak that makes the Timer feature of Camera app even better. You can download it for free from Bigboss repo.

#22. Arise 2 (iOS 8+) cydia tweak lets you customize alarms to fit your personal way of waking up well. It’s localized in 14 languages and seamlessly integrates with the native Clock app and Siri. Select a custom volume for each alarm: make the first one gentle and the next one loud to get you out of your bed. Annoyed of always hearing the same ringtone or getting used to it? Add multiple ringtones to an alarm: each time it fires you’ll hear a different one.To ease up an alarm Arise is able to add a smooth fade-in, which gradually increases the volume from 0 to your custom defined value.Or add a delay after which an alarm should be dismissed automatically for the extra bit of conveniency. Create a default profile and have it applied automatically when you create a new alarm in the clock app or Siri.

#23. No Page Dots how many of you actually rely on the little dots above your iPhone’s dock to gather your whereabouts while swiping between pages?

If you’re like me and happen to find yourself rarely relying on those dots, all the while preferring a more minimalistic look to your iPhone, then chpwn’s latest tweak, aptly entitled No Page Dots, is for you.

I’m usually not one who’s very high on visual tweaks for my iPhone; generally speaking, I like to keep it looking as close to stock as possible. Fortunately, No Page Dots is a tweak so subtle that it doesn’t alter your iPhone’s home screen visually enough to stand out as a glaring omission, as say, removing the app labels would.

So should you or shouldn’t you? The tweak is almost to the point where it’s completely unnoticeable, but there’s still just enough of a change to make your home screen slightly cleaner.

#24. exKey is a tweak that adds a useful extra row of virtual keys to the built-in iOS keyboard. it’s optimized for iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7 and iOS 8 / 8.3 – 8.4 , as well as for ARM64-iDevices.

Once downloaded and installed, the extra row added by the jailbreak tweak will display a selection of useful buttons depending on your iOS keyboard mode. For example, when the keyboard displays the default “QWERTY” keys, the extra row added by exKey will feature numbers, from zero to nine.

However, once users switch over to the numeric keyboard, the exKey row of keys switches over to display special characters, such as the plus sign, the the hash symbol, and the percentage symbol.

It’s definitely a useful jailbreak tweak, if for the added row of numbers alone. How often do you find yourself switching keyboards in order to input numbers into text fields? A lot, I’ll bet. Once exKey is installed, the process of inputting letters and numbers is obviously made a whole lot easier, albeit at the expense of a small amount of screen space.

#25. Disable Photo Shutter Sound As we all know, any time a photo is taken with the iPhone camera, a little shutter sound accompanies the snapping of the picture. That sound effect is all software, and so though you might expect there to be a simple settings change to toggle that sound effect off, well, you may be disappointed to learn there just isn’t such a setting.

Instead, you will need to hit the mute switch on the side of the iPhone itself before taking pictures if you want to mute the camera sound. 

Disable Photo Shutter Sound is pretty self-explanatory from the title, but it essentially gets rid of the camera shutter sound whenever you take a picture, and it works from the lock screen, as well as from the Camera app on the home screen.

Furthermore, the tweak has already been updated several times to add support to more camera apps than just the default Camera app that comes with all iPhones and iPads. It even works with Snapchat !

Since some of our list is a paid tweaks iappTweak will tell you how to get it for FREE.
  • Firstly you need jailbroken iDevice.
  • Although this tweaks is available for $ at the default BigBoss Repo.
  • But if you want to save money, I will recommend downloading it from BYA repo (or any other repo we recomended before ) .
  • For this go to cydia->Manage->Sources->Edit->Add and type “” and click add source.
  • Go to Cydia and search for the tweak you want under BYA Repository.
  • Install the tweak and Respring your device.
  • Enjoy

What’s on your list of Top 25 iOS 8.4 / 8.3  jailbreak tweaks ? How many tweaks in this video have you tried ?

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