TOP 10 BRAND NEW Cydia WinterBoard Themes For iOS 8.4 / 8.3 / 8 / 7 – TaiG Jailbreak
Welcome back to the world of Winterboard themes, icons and much more for your iOS 8.4 / 8.3 devices ! Once you get your tweaks all set up for iOS 8.4 / iOS 8.3 , the next thing you start looking for is a Winterboard theme to change up the look of your device. Well, it took a little while before we got themes that were updated for iOS 8.4 and iOS 8.3 and the iPhone 6/6+, but today we’re bringing you 10 themes that you’ll be sure to enjoy.
#1 – Sublimity8
#2 – iSevenuos iOS 8
#3 – MUS8
#4 – Aveya
#5 – Veexillum
#6 – Sona
#7 – Vindemia
#8 – Alto
#9 – Pastelistic Reborn
#10 – 1mpress iOS8
#1 – Sublimity8 : is a premium icon theme completely redone from its previous versions. With the additon of the iPhone 6 plus it was important to get back to the roots and sublimity8 has had every icon remastered and improved from its prevous version.
Countless hours have been spent zoomed in as far as i can to insure this theme is as sharp as it can be on the Retina display! The theme will ship with 170+ icons incluidng a lot of the popular games. Updates will be coming regularly to add more and more icons to the theme.
The theme is dependent on the iconomatic tweak, which will give you a nice shadow, a cool 3d style overlay, a themed folder icon and a themed dock. Also if you are using Classic badges the theme ships with a customized classic badge.
What comes with the theme:
Springboard icons for all iPhones capable of running iOS8
iPad Air and iPad min retina support (original iPad mini coming soon)
Settings icons themed
Zeppelin logo’s
Classic Badge
Themed folder icon and dock through iconomatic
Price: $3.00 | Repo: ModMyi
#2 – iSevenuos iOS 8 : is about how existing design look more meaningful, even more simple and beautiful with some touch of simplicity in every aspect.
Design is not just a drastic change to the subject but making the existing design better, more straight forward and easy to understand the functioning. Colour scheme and part of icon shape restricted to one of iSevenuos kind to give same feel to stock icons and App Store applications.
Experience of iSevenuos makes your daily better than before with your iPhone and the best part is you can experience it now.
iSevenuos comes with
150+ Icons
System UI optimisation
Status bar icons
And… many more things are coming !
Price: $2.99 | Repo: ModMyi
#3 – MUS8 : is simply a repeat of MUS7, some of you must remember. MUS8 was completely recut, every icons has been retouched or completely redone. EVERY colors, has every details was reworked for a clearer result, sweeter and much cleaner.
I was absent this year because my professional and personal life was taking me a lot of my time. That is why I have nothing done iphone customization. But now I would be more widely present in the jailbreak community. That is what I have chosen to come back with one of my best themes “MUS8”.
Supports: iPhone 5 / 5S / 6/6 +
1.0 come with 145 icons, IconOmatic 4, 3 ClassicDock, 8 ClassicBadges, 1 Zeppelin logo, 1 MagicDots, 1 themes Convergance and many more things will happen with the next update.
Price: $3.99 | Repo: ZodTTD
#4 – Aveya : is a flat and delicious theme for iOS 8. It was precisely made pixel by pixel with rich color scheme and deep details, yes I said deep, you naughty minds.
We all love candy and sweet stuff, and we all rave for something sweet when our eyes see them, Aveya is the theme that stops the rave and delivers sweet icons so you can calm down your taste buds. “Take a break, take an iCON”.
When I’m designing a theme I think about every little detail (except when I’m eating candy) and you can be sure that this theme makes no exception. You’ll know what I’m talking about once you’ll see it in person, on your Device.
Supports: iPod Touches / iPhone 5 / 5s / 6 / 6Plus.
1.0 version has over 130 icons, settings icons & a lot more coming with constant updates.
Price: $2.00 | Repo: ZodTTD
#5 – Veexillum : Aestheticism plays a significant role in every single high-tech applications. Showcasing your singular taste is not going to be any further. “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” – Coco Chanel stated. Veexillum delightfully brought to you that “simplicity. Massive effort have been generated for an elegant color palette and down-to-pixel details in each icon. I truly believe the final gorgeous design is what you are bound to fall in love with.
Veexillum features :
281 icons, Control Center theme, Settings theme, Boot logo, 2 Masks, 1 Status bar, Messages UI, some other UI elements. Take a little time to arrange until it meets your preference or just drop icons in color order for a stunning, well-organized look. More to wait in the upcoming updates !
Price: $2.49 | Repo: ZodTTD
#6 – Sona : Requires IconBundles and Winterboard, obviously. Features 124 Icons. Only Icons themed so far. Works on all retina Devices (iPhones, iPods and iPads) on >iOS 7 – iOS 8.4!
Price: Free | Repo: ModMyi
#7 – Vindemia : a subtle theme of the utmost quality. In Vindemia, we embraced the notion of a theme for everyone; a theme for the best of us.
The complexity of your accomplishments is extraordinary. Your sophistication knows no bounds. You lead by example. We must introduce to you… simplicity; a theme visually appealing to the eyes, but not distracting from the mindset of the overall user experience.
Vindemia features:
A soft, vintage style, but not overly processed – we hope it appeals to everyone! Lots of icons! Stunning high definition wallpapers!
Vindemia is fully compatible with: iOS 8. iOS 7. iPhone 6 Plus. iPhone 6. iPhone 5s. iPhone 5c. iPhone 5. iPhone 4s. iPod touch 6th generation. iPod touch 5th generation.
Vindemia requires: IconBundles – to correctly theme icons.
Price: Free | Repo: ZodTTD
#8 – Alto : is a flat and simple theme for your iPhone. It keeps it simple but has a level of complexity. The theme has a consistent color scheme.
56 Icons that include all stock iPhone apps and many of the popular IOS apps. Includes Settings icons.
Tested on iPhone 6/6+/5s and iOS 8. May Work on Older Versions.
IconBundles is required for it to work (Most likely already installed).
Price: $1.49 | Repo: ZodTTD
#9 – Pastelistic Reborn : is a stunning new theme for iPhone and iPod. Pastelistic comes with 150 icons, Some Alternative Icons, 1 Keyboard Sound, With new Badge design, 1 Wallpaper and Circle Mask and Square Mask. All the theme has been made with a Pastel Colors Palette.
Compatible with iPhone 4 up to iPhone 6, and iPod 5 and the new iPod.
Not compatible with Anemone.
Price: $1.50 | Repo: ZodTTD
#10 – 1mpress iOS8 : New look for your devices. To have all icons themed, you need use iconomatic tweak available in cydia (download tweak, go in settings / iconomatics/ and enable overlay and shadow – go back in winterboard to enable 1mpress iconomatic you want).
1mpress iOS8 (iPhone / iPad / iPodTouch compatible).
Price: $2.99 | Repo: ZodTTD
► inTro : Club_Thump (Free Music )
► Music : The_Bluest_Star (Free Music )
Let us know what you think about this TOP 10 WinterBoard Themes- iOS8.4-8.3 in the comments below !