InstaBetter jailbreak tweak brings useful features for Instagram app – iOS 8 / 8.3 / 8.4
If you are an Instagram user who is annoyed by certain features of the app or lack of them, then you are going to love the InstaBetter tweak. It brings several most wanted features to the photo sharing app making it even more fun to use. The hack brings over 10 missing features to Instagram, giving more control to the user. After installing InstaBetter the first thing you will notice is the ability to save high resolution photos and videos shared by others on the social network. Saving images from Instagram is super easy as well since all you have to do is open the menu and tap on the ‘Save image’ button.
The tweak also gives users the ability to mute certain accounts they are following, so they can avoid getting their posts in timeline without unfollowing them. It also hides ads, lets you share from custom locations, shows follow status on profile pages, show percentages for ‘like’ counts. Users can also share Instagram posts using different social networking apps by accessing the menu.

InstaBetter also enables the ability for users to copy text and images, open links in Instagram, disable read reports for DMs etc.
You can download the InstaBetter tweak from Cydia for free. You can toggle its features from the Settings page.
► inTro : Club Thump (Free Music )
► Music : The Bluest Star (Free Music )
► Theme : Ace Flat S
► Tweak flip icons : Random icon flip