tweaks that are compatible with iOS 9 jailbreak – Full list
Now that the iOS 9 jailbreak has been released, developers need to update their tweaks to work with the latest firmware. there are still some things to keep in mind at this time, such as the fact that many tweaks won’t be working right off the bat.
Now that you have jailbroken your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, it is now time for you to start having some fun. As the new jailbreak is totally new, not all existing tweaks currently work on it, however that is changing fast. There is already a long list of tweaks that actually work with the new jailbreak without any issues. In this post we have shared with you the list of tweaks that support iOS 9 right now and you can download them on your iOS 9 device.
The full list is available as a Google Doc here.
tweaks that are currently compatible with iOS 9 :
- AlienBlue++
- Alkaline
- Anchor
- Anemone
- Apple File Conduit “2”
- AccountLabels
- AppList
- Assistant+
- ASUpdateHider
- BatteryLife
- BatteryUsageEnhancer
- BetterFourByFourFolders
- BetterWiFi7
- Bloard
- BootLogoCustomiser
- CacheClearer
- CC Deseparator
- ClassicDock
- Cloaky
- CCMeters
- ColorFlow 2
- Convos
- CyDelete8
- Date In StatusBar
- DietBar
- Disk Pie
- Eclipse 2
- Flat Notes
- FlipControlCenter
- FlipSwitch
- Fuse
- F.lux (beta repo:
- GroupMe
- HotDog
- iCleaner
- IDBox
- iFile
- InfiniDock
- InstaBetter
- LegacySwitcher
- LocationFaker8
- LockGlyph
- LockSafety
- Minimal Hosts Blocker
- Minimal HUD
- Mousai
- NightMode8
- No Percent Sign
- NoLockBounce
- NoMoreSeperators
- NoSafariTopBlur
- Notate
- NoMotion
- OnlineNotify
- OpenSSH
- Orangered
- PDANet
- Persian Keyboard iOS8
- Phantom
- PowerApp
- PowerBanners
- Priority Hub
- RoundDock
- safestrat
- SameStatus
- SaveGram
- Sixbar
- SmoothCursor
- SnoozeHelper
- StatusVol X
- StatusVol 2
- Sticky
- SubtleLock – iOS 8
- SwipeSelection
- SwipeSelection Pro
- TetherMe for iOS 8+
- TinyBar
- TransparentDock
- Upscale
- vWallpaper2
- WatchNotifications
- Watusi
- WhatsApp++
- WhatsAppCustomizer
- Whoozit Pro
- WiFi Explorer
- WiCarrier
- Wink
- YouTubed
- 20 Second Lockscreen
This is of course a work in progress, and anyone is welcome to participate in the testings. As jailbreak developers get to test their tweaks and update them for the latest software version, it’s safe to assume that your favorite ones should be made compatible soon. It’s just a matter of time.