Apple seeds the first Beta of iOS 9.2.1 to Developers
Apple has just released the first iOS 9.2.1 beta for iOS devices to developers, just over a week after the public release of iOS 9.2. iOS 9.2, the second major update to iOS 9, introduced a very long list of bug fixes, along with feature improvements to Apple Music, News, Mail, iBooks, and more.
The download is now available for iPads, iPhones, and the iPod touch on Apple’s Developer Member Center. No change details are currently available, but we will update you once details emerge.
Apple today published a support document addressing some issues with Mobile Device Management on iOS 9.2. When installing an app on iOS 9.2, some apps don’t finish the full installation process.
According to the support document, a bug fix is coming in the near future, and it’s likely the iOS 9.2.1 update resolves the problem.
As for what is new within iOS 9.2.1, that is not known at this point. Considering it is a minor update in title, being only a .1 release, it’s likely that it will be focused on software improvements, tweaks, and other enhancements to make the overall experience better.