Apple Releases El Capitan OS X 10.11.3

After more than a month of beta testing, Apple has just released OS X 10.11.3 to the public, marking the launch of the third update to the El Capitan operating system that was first released on September 30. Apple.OSX.10.12_iapptweak

In testing since December 16, OS X 10.11.3 follows the December launch of OS X 10.11.2. Prior to release, Apple seeded three betas of OS X 10.11.3 to developers and public beta testers.

The OS X El Capitan 10.11.3 software update improves the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac and is recommended to all El Capitan users.

The OS X El Capitan 10.11.3 update improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac.
This update contains bug fixes and security updates.

Five days ago, Apple seeded its registered developers with the first beta of the forthcoming OS X 10.11.4 software update with under-the-hood improvements.

Apple also today released the iOS 9.2.1 software update for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with bug fixes and stability updates ahead of a feature-packed iOS 9.3 release, which should be due in March.

iOS 9.3 packs in the new Night Shift mode, the Notes app protection with Touch ID, multi-user support on iPads for classroom environments and several other enhancements, major improvements and new features.

The new software can be installed through the Mac App Store and the Update tab. It’s available to all users that are currently running OS X El Capitan, and should be available soon.

If you’re running OS X El Capitan, have you already installed the update?

Apple Releases El Capitan OS X 10.11.3

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