iOS Hacker Luca Todesco Shows Off His iOS 9.3.4 Jailbreak

With the release of iOS 9.3.4 for all iOS devices, Apple closed the vulnerabilities used by PanGu in their iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak. iOS 9.3.4 was supposed to close all the gaps that could be used by hackers to jailbreak Apple devices. However it seems like Apple couldn’t manage to close all the exploits in its mobile operating system, as a new jailbreak for iOS 9.3.4 has emerged. iOS hacker Luca Todesco, who has a history of showing off jailbreaks for different iOS versions and not releasing them has shown his iOS 9.3.4 jailbreak.

Well-known iOS hacker and developer Luca Todesco has already started sharing teaser images of iOS 9.3.4 jailbroken on Twitter.

The tweet, which says “out here at defcon”, is accompanied by an image of a jailbroken iPhone running iOS 9.3.4 with Cydia installed. This isn’t the first time the hacker has teased a potential jailbreak. Back in June, he demoed a JailbreakMe-like Safari-based iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak which he didn’t intend to release to the public. This time, we also don’t expect him to release any jailbreaks for iOS 9.3.4.

Todesco is currently participating in DEF CON, which is the world’s longest-running and largest underground hacking conference where computer techies and IT professionals can all gather.

Despite the fact that the iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak from Pangu was quite the cloudy jailbreak in the beginning, things slowly came into focus the days following the release. Nevertheless, we have what’s called a semi-untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.3.3 for 64-bit devices only, and this is likely because of the resources Pangu had available at the time.

Pangu has openly noted that 32-bit support and untether properties are both not coming to the iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak, but it’s unclear if future jailbreaks will follow the same footsteps; Pangu is believed to be working on a public jailbreak for iOS 10 as well.

Nevertheless, Apple has kept the signing window open for iOS 9.3.3, so if you have accidentally updated to iOS 9.3.4, you still have the chance to downgrade back to iOS 9.3.3 and jailbreak it with Pangu. This can be done as long as the signing window is open for the firmware.

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