Apple macOS Sierra 10.12.1 Beta 3 to Developers

Apple has just seeded the third beta of an upcoming macOS Sierra update to developers for testing purposes, nearly one week after seeding the second beta and two weeks after releasing the new macOS Sierra operating system to the public.


macOS Sierra 10.12.1 appears to focus on bug fixes and under-the-hood performance improvements to address issues that have been found since the operating system’s release. Few outward-facing changes were discovered in the first two betas, but it does include Photos support for the new iPhone 7 Plus Portrait feature introduced with iOS 10.1. New features discovered in the third 10.12.1 beta will be listed below.

The new beta can be installed as an over-the-air update via the Mac App Store for machines that are already running the second beta. It’s also available on Apple’s dedicated site for developers.

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