Apple Seeds iOS 10.1 Beta 5 to Developers and Public Testers

Apple on Wednesday morning seeded the fifth beta of iOS 10 to developers and public beta testers for testing purposes, two days after seeding the fourth iOS 10.1 beta and more than a month after releasing iOS 10 to the public.


As of right now, the iOS 10.1 developer release notes say that the software fixes motion handling, and that developers will be able to access barometric pressure data for iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4, and the iPad Pro.

iOS 10.1 also adds Portrait Mode, which will let iPhone 7 Plus owners get a shallow depth-of-field shot, similar to what’s available on a DSLR. It will put the main image in focus, while the background will have a slight blur.

The new software can be installed through the dedicated Apple developer site, or as an OTA update on devices running the fourth beta. If there is anything new discovered in the fifth beta release, we’ll update this post accordingly.

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