iOS 10 Jailbreak Reaches Beta 4, Adds MobileSubstrate Support And More

If you are following the iOS 10 jailbreak development, then we have got an update for you. The yalu jailbreak that is currently in beta has reached its 4th beta release, which is available for download through Luca’s website. The update, which is still unstable and not for public’s use is more stable than before. The latest beta still supports iPhone 7 on iOS 10.1.x. It also works on iPhone 6s and iPad Pro. Support for more devices and older models have not been added yet, however Luca has hinted that it might change by the next release.

The beta 4 of yalu Jailbreak adds support for mobilesubstrate, which is essential component of Cydia necessary for tweaks to function properly. There are some other issues that have also been addressed in the beta update. In fact the fourth beta has been revised since the first release had problems. After fixing the issue Luca has advised beta testers to hard reset their devices and then try again.

Luca Todesco, the developer behind this jailbreak has announced that he is already working on the gamma release of the jailbreak, which will bring support for more devices, add a better solution for mobilesubstrate and fix other issues.

Just like the first release of the yalu jailbreak beta the current release can potentially damage your chances of retaining the jailbreak by forcing you to restore in case of a problem. So just like we did with the previous beta we would advice users who are not developers to stay away from iOS 10 jailbreak until a stable build is released for public use.

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