Saurik Releases Third Beta of Cydia for iOS 10 Jailbreak

Thursday saw the release of a new build of Cydia from its creator Jay Freeman (Saurik). Coming in at version 1.1.28, The latest build fixes an issue that was available in the first beta. Package descriptions that were written in non-English characters would show up as ?’s, therefore this release fixes the issue and properly displays non-English characters.

This is the only fix that the latest beta brings to Cydia, but it is also an indication that Saurik is working to fix all the known issues. He has mentioned several times that he is aware of all the Cydia issues that users have been facing and is working to fix them.

Due to the early stage of development of the 10.1.x jailbreak, it is inherently unstable and one part of this, though by no means the largest, was that Cydia had not received any tailoring to work with it until now. Yalu seems to do some things differently from previous tools, and as a result users had been reporting various bugs with the package installer. These ranged from messages warning that the program was 32-bit and might slow down their device, to the inability to select anything within the Cydia interface.

The new Cydia build is at Beta 3 at the time of writing, and is now 64-bit. This should go some way to solving the pair of issues mentioned above. It also bumps the version of APT (the package management tool which forms the backend of Cydia) to 1.14 from 0.7.25. Saurik has stated that whilst both of these changes may result in a slight performance decrease, the difference will probably be negligible, and the changes were necessary for improved compatibility with the iOS 10 jailbreak.

Although I strongly recommend that users avoid using the current Yalu jailbreak for iOS 10.1.x, if you have already used it to jailbreak your device then make sure to install the latest build of Cydia. You can do so by following the guide below.

How to install the Cydia beta

Step 1: Open the Cydia app on your jailbroken device.

Step 2: Go to the Sources tab. Tap on Edit -> Add and type in the following URL: . Then press the Add button to add the repo to Cydia.

Step 3: Once the new source has been added and Cydia refreshes, you should see three new available upgrades in the Changes tab. These are labelled as “Cydia Installer”, “Debian Package” and “Tape Archive”.

Step 4: Tap on the Upgrade button in the top right corner of the Changes tab and install the available upgrades. Once the installation is done, respring your device.

The latest build of Cydia should now be installed on your device. Rest assured, we will see more Cydia updates in the coming weeks to iron out all the known issues and provide a smoother jailbreak experience.

Have you jailbroken your iOS 10 device? Let us know in the comments below.

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