Newly Exploit Could Soon Bring iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak

Developer Adam Donenfeld has released the iOS 10.3.1 exploit, creating the possibility of imminent jailbreak for iOS 10.3.1 operating system. The release is based on bugs that had already been fixed by Apple in iOS 10.3.2. While Donenfeld has no plans of turning his now public exploit in to a public jailbreak, he has hinted at possibilities of others turning it into a full jailbreak for general users.

In fact Security Engineer Min(Spark) Zheng has noted that this exploit release combined with Ian Beer’s triple_fetch sandbox escape is already a 66% of a full jailbreak. The other 33% according to the researcher will be provided by kernel protection bypass patch. While that is Zheng’s opinion, Adam Donenfeld says the kernel protection bypass patch is not needed, in which case we already have a complete jailbreak in the form of this exploit.

If Donenfeld’s assumption is true then all anyone has to do is convert it into a working jailbreak by making Cydia compatible with it and include offsets for all iOS 10.3.1 supported devices into it, which are already available.

If a jailbreak based on this iOS 10.3.1 is released, then it will work on all 64-bit based devices including iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and latest iPad models. It wouldn’t support 32-bit devices.

With this possibility of an imminent iOS 10.3.1 release it is wise for anyone wanting to jailbreak his or her iOS device to stay on iOS 10.3.1 and ignore the urges to update their devices to upcoming iOS 11 update.

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