It has been a while since a jailbreak has been released. The last jailbreak was released in January for iOS 10.2 if we don’t consider the Pheonix jailbreak released for iOS 9.3.5.
The positive news is that a group of security researchers demoed a functional jailbreak for iOS 11 beta 2 firmware and iOS 10.3.2 at this year’s MOSEC (Mobile Security Conference) 2017 in Shanghai, China in June. The iOS 11 jailbreak tool that was demoed at the event seems to have been created by Liang Chen of Tencent Keen Lab.

Since iOS 11 beta has been jailbroken, we are hopeful that a jailbreak for iOS 11 could be released. Apple has released 10 iOS 11 beta versions so far, so it is not clear if they have already patched the exploit that was used to jailbreak iOS 11. It is also possible that the iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 11 jailbreak was only for research purposes. But the fact that it was jailbroken gives us hope that hackers will be able to develop a jailbreak if the exploits haven’t been patched.
It is also possible that the iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 11 jailbreak was only for research purposes, so even though it can be jailbroken, the security researcher or hacker may not release a jailbreak for it to the public. But the fact that it was jailbroken gives us hope that hackers like the Pangu team will also be able to discover the exploits and develop an iOS 11 jailbreak tool if the exploits haven’t been patched. Of course, it is still wishful thinking so I wouldn’t get your hopes too high. But let’s hope that we will finally get a jailbreak. As always, we will keep you posted as soon as there is an update about the iOS 11 jailbreak.
Why Do You Want to Jailbreak iOS 11?
Will you jailbreak your iPhone or iPad running iOS 11 despite all the new features and improvements? If so we would love to hear why you still want to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad.
NO UPDATE (Sept 29):
For all the readers asking us about iOS 11 jailbreak, things have been very quiet in the jailbreak world even though it has been more than a week since Apple has released iOS 11. So there has been nothing interesting to report. We will certainly let you know if there is an update worth sharing.