iOS 11.2 Beta Fixes Calculator Bug Causing Missed Calculations

Earlier this month, a bug discovered in iOS 11, which has been present up to this point, causes an issue when trying to input a calculation and rapidly inputting numbers.

The bug was showcased just recently, and stems from a bug that causes animations to linger a bit too long, which in turn means some numbers or other inputs simply don’t register. In the best example provided, entering “1+2+3=” in rapid succession is very likely not going to bring up the right answer, “6,” but instead give you a result of “24.” The reason being, animation lag is preventing all the correct inputs to register.

This has been an issue since the public launch of iOS 11 back in September, and even apparently slipped under Apple’s radar through the public launch of iOS 11.0.3. It’s not even included as a fix in iOS 11.1, which is currently ending its beta seed run ahead of its public launch.

However, it looks like Apple is indeed fixing the problem. Today, Apple seeded the first developer beta of iOS 11.2, and at least one of the new things coming to that version of the mobile operating system is a fix for the calculator animation bug. Users will be able to input as quickly as they want without having to worry about animation lag.

One of the reason why this may have gone under the radar for the most part, for over a month, is that many iOS users may have found a third-party app solution for their calculator needs. However, as reported last week, hundreds of reports surfaced on Reddit, and Apple engineers did see complaints registered through the official radar for bug complaints, too.

Do you use the stock Apple calculator on your iPhone?

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