iOS 11 Electra Jailbreak Could Release As Soon As Next Week

If you have been waiting for public release of Electra iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak, then we have a good news for you. CoolStar, who is the creator of Electra jailbreak has announced on Twitter that the final release for Electra could happen as soon as next week.

In a tweet CoolStar added that this will be the most stable 64-bit iOS jailbreak since the release of iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak. Currently Electra RC, which comes with a modified version of Cydia to add iOS 11 compatibility is only available to tweak developers and theme makers.

In the same tweet CoolStar added that the final release of Electra is not for anyone who has been using the leaked copies of Electra jailbreak tool. According to the developer the final release tool will not work on devices that have previously been jailbroken using Electra RC1’s leaked copy, in a bit to punish those who downloaded an used this unofficial copy without creator’s permission.

CoolStar and other developers working with him have modified Cydia to work with iOS 11, since Saurik has not released an updated version of the jailbreak store that would support the operating system. Saurik is said to be working on Cydia update and will eventually release it to public too.

An iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak that is based on Google Project Zero’s exploit will allow hundreds of thousands of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users to jailbreak their devices. It will be the first ever iOS 11 jailbreak to ever get released publicly despite iOS 11 being almost 6 months old.

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