Electra 1.0.3 iOS 11 Jailbreak Released to Fix Freezing Issue

Coolstar has released Electra 1.0.3 iOS 11 jailbreak to fix the intermittent freezing issue, which was affecting some users.

Citing the official Electra web page, version 1.0.3 brings with it the following changes:

  • Revert change to XPC in xpcproxy in beta 11
  • Fix intermittent freezing issues that would affect certain devices on beta 10 -> 1.0.2

Coolstar has pointed out that bad tweaks may still cause a problem, which is probably the reason some users are still reporting the freezing issue with Electra 1.0.3:

Note: Bad tweaks can still cause problems even on 1.0.3

Most notably, if a daemon is installed into /Library/LaunchDaemons and the binary is missing the “platform-application” entitlement. launchd on iOS 11 will constantly loop trying to load the daemon as it’s killed by Sandbox

He has said that the problem is not with Electra iOS 11 jailbreak “but a problem with said tweaks that are loading Launch Daemons.”

Also, Safe Mode only protects against backboardd/SpringBoard crashes If a tweak crashes a system daemon, it’ll get stuck in a crash loop, which definitely would cause freezing.

Like the original public release, Electra 1.0.3 includes a patched version of Cydia that lets users install iOS 11-compatible jailbreak tweaks. Saurik continues to work on official iOS 11 updates for Cydia and Mobile Substrate at this time, but it doesn’t seem likely that either will ever be made compatible with Electra (or LiberiOS, for that matter).

Anyone that might be relying on the Electra jailbreak is advised to download and install the latest version of the tool for stability purposes.

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