It’s Sunday again, and that means it’s time to wrap up the weekend with another jailbreak tweak roundup. In this piece, we’ll discuss all the jailbreak tweaks released throughout the week. As usual, we’ll kick things off by showcasing our favorite releases and then wrap everything up with an outline of everything else.
Our favorite releases this week
Colorify – $1.49
Colorify is a new jailbreak tweak that lets you set up custom color configurations in the official Spotify Music app for iOS. After you install it, you can visit the Settings app and begin colorizing each element of the app individually; this means you can achieve virtually any custom look you want.
Jumper – FREE
Everyone wants to have faster access to their favorite features on their iPhone, but Apple isn’t particularly accomodating in this respect. Jumper is a new free jailbreak tweak that can change that.
With Jumper, you can customize the stock Camera and Flashlight Lock screen shortcuts in iOS 11 to redirect you to any two installed apps of your choice. The tweak even themes the shortcuts to match the respective app icon, so it makes them distinguishable.
Jumper is a great way to get to your favorite apps more quickly.
Other releases this week
4GwantLTE: Displays the LTE icon in the Status Bar rather than 4G (free via CydiaGeek’s beta repository)
FloatyDock: Brings an iPad-style Dock to all jailbroken iOS 11 devices (free via BigBoss repository)
Gyration: Lets you rotate the device in just about any app or interface (free via BigBoss repository)
Intelix (Beta): Groups notifications in iOS 11 (free via Packix repository)
LargeTitlesEverywhere: Gives you iOS 11-style large header titles in more interfaces (free via BigBoss repository)
Roty: Rotate your device into landscape orientation while on the Lock screen (free via BigBoss repository)
Semperon: An always-on display for your iPhone ($2.00+ via Packix repository)
SpringAnimations: Lets you customize a bevy of iOS’ stock springboard animations (free via BigBoss repository)
TransparentCCSwitcherBG11: Makes the App Switcher and Control Center backgrounds transparent in iOS 11 (free via CydiaGeek’s beta repository)
Unlit: Provides early access to the Dark Mode feature in the Instagram app ($1.00 via Packix repository)
That just about wraps things up for this week’s jailbreak tweak roundup, but remember to stay tuned to iappTweak throughout the upcoming week to remain updated on every new release as it materializes.