Now that Fortnite’s latest update has been released, bringing the version number all the way up to 4.2, gamers have been able to spend some time playing what is just the latest in an ongoing line of continuous updates.
If there is one thing that both Fortnite and PUBG have been able to get right it’s the number of updates that are being pushed out, and the release notes are also available for our perusal.
As always there is plenty to get the teeth into in this update with the usual array of bug fixes, performance improvements and new additions to existing gameplay that fans of Fortnite have come to expect.
- Some of those changes include:
- Apple can now be found among trees on the game map and will grant gamers five HP every time they eat one. This maxes out at 100HP though, so bear that mind.
- A new quad launcher has been added to the Save the World game mode. Firing four rockets which explode upon impact, this is not something you want to be on the receiving end of.
- The much loved assault rifle has received some upgrades with epic and legendary versions added.
- In order to help “differentiate between above/below footstep sounds,” new sounds have been added to make it easier for players to tell when someone is walking around above them in the game world.
There is of course plenty else going on in the release notes for this new 4.2 update to Fortnite, and that update can be had now via the usual array of app store updates that have become synonymous with these games. Enjoy!