New Exploit Will Allow for iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak

iOS 11 was a rough version for the jailbreaking community, with a working jailbreak showing up pretty late in its life cycle. Right now, CoolStar’s Electra jailbreak is the only way to jailbreak any iPhone or iPad running iOS 11 – 11.1.2 device. However, we might soon see a jailbreak being available for iOS 11.3.1 as well.

Project Zero’s Ian Beer has tweeted that if you are “interested in bootstrapping iOS kernel security research keep a research-only devices on iOS 11.3.1 for more tfp0.” He says that a release is possible this week itself.

This exploit is only available on iOS 11.3.1 as Apple has already patched it in iOS 11.4. With Apple also likely to close the iOS 11.3.1 signing window next week, its recommended you update/downgrade your device right away to it if you are interested in jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad.

What’s going to make a lot of jailbreakers happy is knowing that Electra jailbreak might be updated to support iOS 11.3.1 soon by CoolStar and nullpixel. However, there is a “non-zero” chances that it might support iPhones and iPad featuring an A9 chip as the jailbreak requires a KPP bypass.

This means its possible that Electra jailbreak will only be updated to support iPhone 6s or lower, with support for iPhone 7 or newer likely missing.

Are you still sticking to iOS 11.3.1 in hope of an updated Electra jailbreak?

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