Apple has never really been fond of the jailbreaking community and with every new release of iOS, it has tried to make sure that jailbreaking that version of the OS becomes that much more difficult. The company has now published a support page where it actively deters users from jailbreaking their device by highlighting the issues it might create.
Published on June 16, 2018, the support document highlights that “unauthorized modifications” like jailbreaking bypass the security features of iOS which can lead to various issues. Primarily, jailbreaking eliminates the various security layers which in turn makes your iOS device more vulnerable to hackers, spyware, and viruses. It also leads to frequent and unexpected crashes, reduces the overall battery life of your device, and in some cases, affect the cellular connectivity of your device as well.
Apple also says that jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad might lead to disruption of services like iCloud, FaceTime, Apple Pay, with third-party apps also being unable to properly send notifications to users. Lastly, Apple even says that unauthorized modifications to iOS have led to irreparable damage, with the hacked iPhone or iPad becoming permanently inoperable post a future iOS update.
Apple strongly cautions against installing any software that hacks iOS. It is also important to note that unauthorized modification of iOS is a violation of the iOS end-user software license agreement and because of this, Apple may deny service for an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that has installed any unauthorized software.
Now, if you are someone who is fond of jailbreaking their iOS device, this support document from Apple is unlikely to make much of a difference. Most jailbreakers already know the side effects of jailbreaking but they still go ahead and do it due to the advantages it offers.
On the bright side, if you are looking to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad running iOS 11.3, you will be glad to know that the release of Electra iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak tool is imminent.
Source: Apple