Telegram, one of the more popular messaging platforms out there, was facing a longstanding lockout from Apple, which meant the app couldn’t receive any updates.
It appears that blockout has been lifted. The app was updated today, June 1, with the majority of the new software designed to address the GDPR privacy measures. Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, issued a tweet earlier today that thanked Apple for allowing the company to send out the update.
As it stands right now, it is not known how Russia’s ban of the Telegram app played into the global ban of updates for the app across Apple’s ecosystem. As a quick refresher, back in April Russia asked Apple to remove Telegram from the App Store, because the Russian government had demanded Telegram to hand over encryption keys but the messaging platform’s executives refused.
Later, it was revealed that Apple was blocking Telegram app updates across the globe. But, whatever needed to be worked out behind-the-scenes appears to have been worked out. At least for now. Either way, Telegram has received its first update in weeks, which makes it GDPR-compliant, which is good for the international app.
A link to download and install the app from the iOS App Store is available below. It’s a free app.
- Telegram — Free