RootlessJB 3.1 iOS 12 Jailbreak Released With Ability to Install Cydia Tweaks

Earlier this week, we saw Jake James release rootlessJB, an SSH-based developer oriented iOS 12.1.2 – iOS 12 jailbreak. It was not particularly a useful jailbreak since it did not support tweaks or code injection of any kind. Thanks to rapid development from James though, rootlessJB has now been updated to support Cydia tweaks.

rootlessJB is still very much an SSH-based jailbreak that is aimed at developers. However, now that it supports Cydia tweaks, we are seeing quite a few developers try out their tweaks in iOS 12 to ensure it is compatible with the OS.

rootlessJB 3.1 comes with plenty of new features and changes. If you own an iPhone XS or iPhone XR, don’t get too excited since there’s still no support for A12 Bionic devices. That should  Below is the change-log of rootlessJB 3.1 update:

-can tweak SpringBoard
– can tweak unsandboxed apps
– preferenceloader is broken

rootlessJB is not for the faint of heart and installing tweaks via it is a tedious process. There’s a reason why it is being cited as a developer-only jailbreak.

On the bright side, this does mean that the first public iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2 jailbreak is around the corner. Given the pace of development, I am guessing we should see an iOS 12.1.2 – iOS 12 jailbreak release this month itself.

You can download rootlessJB 3.1 from here. And if you are looking for a guide to install Cydia tweaks on your iPhone using rootlessJB, follow this detailed guide.

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