Ian Beer Released Exploits That Could Create iOS 11 Jailbreak

As promised, security researcher Ian Beer has released the exploit necessary to create a jailbreak for iOS 11.1.2 – iOS 11. The exploit that is called ‘tfp0’ has been fixed in iOS 11.2, which means only devices running iOS 11.1.2… Continue reading

Cydia Eraser updated with Support for iOS 9.3.3

On Thursday Saurik has launched an update for the Cydia Eraser tool, so that it can now be used to un-jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 if you used the Pangu jailbreak tool. With the latest update, anyone with a jailbroken iOS 9.3.3… Continue reading

English Version of PanGu Jailbreak for iOS 9.3.3 is Now Available

Pangu Team has just released the English version of iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The tool supports 64-bit devices and comes just days after the Chinese version of the jailbreak was made available to… Continue reading