TOP 20 BRAND NEW Cydia Tweaks For iOS 9/9.2 – 9.3.3 – Part 10

PanGu surprised everyone by releasing the new iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch running iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3. The release made it possible for iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3 users to finally jailbreak their devices and enjoy… Continue reading

LiveRinging Jailbreak Tweak Brings Video Ringtones to Your iPhone

LiveRinging is a new jailbreak tweak for iOS 9 jailbroken devices, by Cydia developer Rene Tejeda that replaces the background of the incoming call screen with a custom video of your choice. This tweak is inspired by Android’s video ringtone feature that starts… Continue reading

TOP 10 BRAND NEW Cydia Themes For iOS 9/9.0.2/9.1 – Part 7

iOS 9.3 is the most stable iOS release till date, which is exactly the reason why an iOS 9.3 jailbreak is highly desired at this point. As of now, we only have iOS 9 jailbreaks for up to iOS 9.1, and… Continue reading

TOP 20 BRAND NEW Cydia Tweaks For iOS 9/9.0.2/9.1 – Part 9

After seven pre-release builds for developers and public beta testers over a course of a few weeks, Apple has finally   rolled out the iOS 9.3 for iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads – the biggest release of iOS for a while and… Continue reading

Pangu iOS 9.1 Jailbreak updated to be more stable

The Pangu Team has released a new version of their jailbreak tool for iOS 9.1, bringing much-needed stability to the process. Available to new users as part of an updated version of their jailbreak tool, the team notes that users that… Continue reading