iOS 13.5 Jailbreak for All iPhones and iPads teased by Unc0ver team

Wednesday evening the unc0ver Team teased the imminent release of unc0ver v5.0.0, that will support jailbreaking every signed iOS version on any iPhone or iPad using a 0-day kernel vulnerability. This means that the upcoming release of Unc0ver will also… Continue reading

Pwn20wnd is preparing 4K devices support for the iOS 12 unc0ver jailbreak

It was only a few days ago that hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd dropped the 29th beta of the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release with full-fledged Cydia and Cydia Substrate support for A8X-A11 devices running iOS 12.0-12.1.2. But the release left… Continue reading

Pwn20wnd is preparing unc0ver for iOS 12, confirms A12 support imminent

It seems like the calm before the storm as we continue waiting for a public iOS 12 jailbreak with Cydia and Cydia Substrate support to surface, but rest assured, hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd is on it. In various… Continue reading