Top 5 Best Wintherboard Themes For IOS 7 iDevices ( 07-2014 )

Top 5 Best Wintherboard Themes For IOS 7 iDevices ( 07-2014 )

Themes :

1 – Aqueous
2 – VisioHD
3 – Avanti Orange
4 – Avanti Pearlescent
5 – Sep7


1 – Aqueous : A solution to all your problems.

“Simple detailed, a new perspective of iOS.” – Noah Ridge

“I would recommend this theme to anyone with access to Cydia, it is just overall nicer than the OEM theme and the colors are just brilliant!” – Nick Everhart

“Very nice, outstanding actually..” – Holley Garner

Aqueous spends close attention to detail, within every aspect. So, why can’t detail be minimal? This is something many have asked over such a huge period of time. People love flat, and some love that excessive amount of detail. But why not make something flat, that’s not really flat? Something that has went into the details to be created? Something that’s minimal, yet has subtle shadows, details, color effects, and blurs? Welcome to Aqueous, the theme that is the solution to all your problems.

Each icon has been thought out, depicting what you get inside of that app, to a logo that perfectly represents what’s inside. Icons inside Aqueous include stunning colors, that match the app perfectly. Carefully crafted icons like Calendar includes that date numeral that matches the icon color, or camera and photos included a softly blurred color pallet underneath it’s subtle whites. And shadows are noticeable, but not obtrusive. All this plus a grid system and a load of third party app icons makes Aqueous a wonderful theme that everyone will enjoy.

The only way to truly see the beauty and expandability within Aqueous is to get it and experience it yourself. Aqueous is available for just $2.49, which is a spectacular price for such a huge theme, the beauty it holds inside and out, every detail of it too.

A list of amazing features inside Aqueous: • Tons of icons that look absolutely incredible • Messages UI redesign • User-interface designs that match Aqueous • Sound effects for keyboard • Customization and expandable options • Updates that include more UI and icons • Notification Center, Home-screen, Settings and Spotlight icons.

2 – VisioHD : VisioHD iOS8 (iPhone & iPad compatible).

Remake of one of my old themes that I do at the time for the iPhone 3G. This new version was extremely worked. VisioHD offer a multiple customization and allow you a lot of diversity in your setup with beautiful widgets and wallpapers.

3 – Avanti Orange : Made for 4.2 – 7.1.1 iPhone iOS Retina HD.
Also Avalible. Avanti, Avanti Blue, Avanti Ghost, Avanti Purple.

4 – Avanti Pearlescent : Beautiful Pearlescent mod for Avanti Theme!

5 – Sep7 : (For iOS7 only tested on iPhone 4/4s and 5/5s)

The theme includes:

More than 300 bundles ( with some alternatives icons ) and all the settings icons.

Some UI for the StatusBar elements, Clock app, Phone app, Appstore app, iFile app, Cydia app , message app, loading screens, Safari app, Photo app, Calculator app (portrait) …

Some respring logos.

Some UISounds.

Some Wallpapers.

The ControlCenter is themed also.

6 subtle docks to use with ClassicDock.( running indicator and dock reflection revised )

3 Iconomatic shadows.

3 badges ( red, white and orange ) to use with ClassicBagde.

2 GroovyLock for the lockscreen.

A theme for Button4phone tweak.

An alternative Calendar icon (red)


As always, let us know what you think in the comments below.

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