TOP 05 BRAND NEW CYDIA TWEAKS FOR iOS 8 – 8.3 – 8.4 – Part 05

TOP 05 BRAND NEW CYDIA TWEAKS FOR iOS 8 – 8.3 – 8.4 – Part 05


All New Top 05 iOS 8.3 / 8.4 Tweaks Part 05 For iOS 8, 8.1, 8.1.1, 8.1.2 , 8.1.3 , 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 │ TaiG 2.1.2 / 2.1.3 / 2.2.0 / 2.2.1 Jailbreak Compatible │Pangu Jailbreak Compatible │ BEST OF 2015 TWEAKS .


#1 – iChangeSlide
#2 – Mirmir
#3 – Power Saver Mode
#4 – ColorPass
#5 – Emoji83+


#1 – iChangeSlide If you have ever wanted to change the “Slide To Unlock” text on the lockscreen of your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, you are in luck ! With the iChangeSlide Cydia tweak you can quickly and easily change the Slide To Unlock text on the lockscreen to whatever you want and also customize other thing on your lockscreen.

You can find the iSlideText tweak through the insanelyi repo for FREE. Let us know what you think of iChangeSlide in the comments section below .

#2 – Mirmir is a new tweak that allows you to have true side-by-side windowed multitasking on jailbroken iPhones and iPads running iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.4.

This tweak brings window based multitasking to iOS devices and allows users to have up to four apps running at the same time. You can interact with all the apps just like normal. The hack works on both iPhone and iPad but we have got to say that it makes more sense when running on an iPad rather than on iPhone’s smaller display.

Let us know what you think of Mirmir in the comments section below.

#3 – Power Saver Mode One of the major features of iOS 9 is the new Low Power Mode that extends your iPhone’s battery life by reducing performance and tweaking the background activity such as disabling automatic Mail fetch, Background App Refresh and more. Power Saver Mode is a new jailbreak tweak that tries to imitate this feature in iOS 8 although it has a different way of extending the battery life.

When enabled, Power Saver Mode toggles on Increase Contrast and Reduce Motion options while disabling Background App Refresh and Location Services and toggling off Cellular Data if you’re connected to a WiFi network.

After it is toggled on, it turns the battery icon in the Status bar from the default color to yellow indicating that Power Saving Mode has been enabled, just like iOS 9’s Low Power mode. If you connect your device to a power source, it will be automatically disabled.

Let us know what you think about the tweak once you’ve given it a try.

#4 – ColorPass If you’re interested in tricking out that Lock Screen of yours in a subtle way without over-doing anything, then you might enjoy a new freebie called ColorPass by iOS developer Caetano Melone.

This simple tweak lets you colorize the number buttons on the Lock Screen’s passcode entry interface, as shown above. The tweak lets you pick your own color to use, so you can ultimately make things look just how you want them to. The possibilities of colors are endless because you’re given an RGB color picker in the Settings application.

The developer recommends combining this tweak with SleekCode, another tweak that improves the look of the Lock Screen’s passcode input interface, to make things look better, but this step is optional.

ColorPass is available free of charge in Cydia’s BigBoss repository right now. The tweak is compatible with iOS 8 devices. Check it out !

#5 – Emoji83+ is a jailbreak tweak lets you unlocks all available emoji flags on emoji picker. Also add spock (vulcan salute) emoji into emoji people section. After install no option to configure.

Download Emoji83+ deb available in Cydia via the BigBoss Repo for free and supports iOS 8. If your device has not yet jailbroken, then follow this guide to TaiG jailbreak iOS 8.3/8.4 untethered.

Let us know what you think of our list in the comments section below.

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