Now you can watch Apple’s WWDC 2016 keynote on YouTube

Apple has finally uploaded this year’s WWDC keynote to YouTube. The replay has been available as an embedded video on Apple’s website since yesterday, but obviously YouTube is a lot more device-friendly.

The best part about watching the keynote on YouTube is that you can skip to the relevant part you want, thereby completely avoiding the parts that don’t interest you. Whatever parts you skip though, make sure to check the video that Apple shows about developers towards the end of the keynote because it sure is inspiring.

Apple announced watchOS 3, tvOS 10, macOS Sierra, and iOS 10 at WWDC this year. watchOS 3 packs in some major speed improvements and brings about a huge change in the overall functionality of the OS itself. With background app refresh support, third-party apps will now be able to reside in the memory of the Apple Watch thereby allowing them to fetch updates in the background and open instantly when prompted.

tvOS 10 also saw the introduction of some compelling new features like single sign-on, support for using the iPhone as a remote and game controller, Live Tune-in, and more.

As for macOS Sierra, apart from the name change, the OS gained features like Siri, being able to open applications in tabs, Auto Unlock, and more. Lastly, Apple unveiled iOS 10 at the keynote with features like third-party app integration for Siri, improved iMessages, revamped Lock screen and Home screen, and more.

It really was a great keynote. The pace was good, the presentations were polished, and of course we got some great sneak peeks at upcoming updates for the iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS platforms. If you haven’t watched it yet, you should.

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