Apple on Thursday updated its App of the Week promotion with the game klocki. For the next 7 days, you can pick up the popular puzzler for free on both iPhone and iPad—saving you $0.99.
From the App Store Editors’ Notes:
This absorbing puzzler is so minimalist there’s no start screen, no logos, no instructions—it just begins. We quickly got list in the challenge of rearranging titles, Rubik’s cube-style, so a single line runs through each pattern. Our advice: sort out the corners and other unique tiles first, then the rest will snap quickly into place.
And here’s a clip of the game in action:
Klocki , Apple’s free app of the week is relaxing game, that is loaded with a lot of different features. This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad and is compatible with iOS 8.0 or later.
Klocki is available for download in the App Store for free for a limited time.