Security research team KeenLab has demoed fully working iOS 11 jailbreak as well as iOS 10.3.2 jailbreak on some of Apple’s latest handsets to date while presenting at MOSEC 2017.
The best thing about the demo is that not only were the devices jailbroken but they were also running Cydia. The research team demoed the jailbreak on two separate iPhone 7 models that were running both iOS 11 beta and iOS 10.3.2. Another device, iPhone 6 Plus to be specific was demoed running iOS 10.3.2 jailbreak.
Here, we see Cydia running on each of the different devices:
This just might be the first-known demo of an iOS 11 jailbreak to date. While it isn’t an indicator that we’re in for a public iOS 11 jailbreak release any time soon, it does highlight how there’s light at the end of the dark tunnel despite the heightened security of iOS 11, and it materializes the notion that jailbreaking still appears to be possible.
ios 10&11 jailbreak by keenlab~!
— Min(Spark) Zheng (@SparkZheng) June 23, 2017
It has been revealed that researchers used Cydia Impactor to sideload app in order to jailbreak the devices. If that is the case, then like Luca Todesco’s Yalu102 jailbreak, KeenLab’s iOS 11 jailbreak might also require users to renew the certificate every seven days. Nothing can be said with certainty though.
While iOS 11 certainly comes packed with a host of features that jailbreakers have known and loved in the form of jailbreak tweaks for quite a while, it’s an understatement to say the jailbreak is still a useful tool to have and that many people aren’t willing to give it up.
Although we must reiterate that KeenLab is unlikely to release their jailbreak, that’s not to say that someone else won’t come through in the future after iOS 11 comes out of beta. It should be interesting to see what happens following the public iOS 11 release this Fall.
If a jailbreak is ever released for iOS 11, will you be using it? Share in the comments section below!