New 14 iOS 11 Jailbreak Tweaks To Check Out

As we move into mid-2018, many are wondering about the future of the iOS 11 jailbreak and when Saurik will come forth with official Cydia and Substrate support for it. Nevertheless, several developers continue crafting interesting jailbreak tweaks for iOS 11.

In this roundup, we’ll discuss all the tweaks that have been released in some of Cydia’s most significant repositories. As usual, we’ll kick things off by showcasing our favorite releases and then wrap everything up by outlining the rest afterward.

Our favorite releases this week

Cowbell – FREE

Cowbell is a rather simple jailbreak tweak that puts live battery readout data in the Control Center battery toggle in iOS 11.

Not only does it display the current battery level percentage, but the glyph inside of the toggle animates in real time as well.

Swae – FREE

Swae is a new jailbreak tweak that lets you customize the Status Bar font on any jailbroken iPhone X.

The tweak includes support for a bevy of fonts; in fact, just about every font that iOS supports out of the box.

Other releases this week

CCVibration: Adds vibration (haptic feedback) to your Control Center modules in iOS 11 (free via BigBoss repository)

DarkSwitcher11: Makes the background of the App Switcher darker (free via CydiaGeek’s beta repository)

Icon Resizer for iOS11: Lets you resize your Home screen icons in iOS 11 (free via BigBoss repository)

IGDarkMode: A dark mode for the official Instagram app (free via Packix repository)

MoreSpaceTwitterX: Provides extra screen real estate in the Twitter app on the iPhone X (free via Packix repository)

NCSquared: Gives Notification Center a squarer appearance (free via BigBoss repository)

PhotosTimeline: A Snapchat Memories-like scroll bar for the official Photos app (free via BigBoss repository)

Respring Assistant: Makes it easier to respring your device in a pinch (free via BigBoss repository)

RedditCPUFix: Helps save battery while using the official Reddit app (free via BigBoss repository)

TabBarsControl: Lets you manage your tab bars system-wide (free via BigBoss repository)

TwittomizerXI: Lets you customize various features of the official Twitter app (free via Packix repository)

UnroundMyMusicApp: Removes rounded corners from the Now Playing view in the Music app (free via BigBoss repository)

That just about wraps things up for this week’s jailbreak tweak roundup, but remember to stay tuned to iappTweak throughout the upcoming week to remain updated on every new release as it materializes.

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