The well-known developer and hacker Pwn2ownd has officially pushed out unc0ver version 3.0.0 beta 40 quickly followed by beta 41, complete with full support for older devices running iOS 12.0 through iOS 12.1.2.
As is generally the case, the developer and co-creator of the unc0ver jailbreak used Twitter as his announcement platform of choice. The tweet not only confirmed that unc0ver version 3.0.0 has reached the impressive milestone of having forty individual beta releases out in the public domain but also confirmed that all pre-A12 devices are supported and that Cydia and Substrate are part of the release:
unc0ver v3.0.0~b40 is NOW OUT for public testing with support for all pre-A12 devices on iOS12 with Cydia and Substrate working.
This as mentioned already, was quickly followed by beta 41, which announced yet another exciting improvement to the jailbreaking app:
unc0ver v3.0.0~b41 was released with the machswap exploit by @iBSparkes with 95% success rate for all 4K devices on iOS 11.0-12.1.2 and more.
The official changelog which accompanies these updates on GitHub also confirmed those changes and once again focused on one of the more important aspects of the release with the fact that Cydia and Substrate are functional and in-place for public testing purposes. Essentially, anyone downloading beta 41 with a pre-A12 device running iOS 12.0 through 12.1.2 will have a full and functional jailbreak experience with all of the necessary tools in place to download and install packages via Cydia. Of course, the number of packages which are available is dependent on whether or not the developer has released iOS 12 compatibility.
That said, 4K devices – iOS devices powered by the A7 and A8 chips – such as the iPhone 5s, iPhone SE, iPhone 6,, iPhone 6 Plus can now be jailbroken more reliably compared to earlier beats.
This is undeniably good news but it does leave individuals with brand new devices – such as iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max – wondering about whether or not they will be left in limbo. Currently, those devices with Apple’s A12 and A12X chipsets are not supported by unc0ver as far as iOS 12.x.x support is concerned. However, the team has committed to continuing their work behind the scenes to ensure that this is resolved in the hope of a new version being released to officially offer support to A12X hardware.
In the meantime, if you are already jailbroken on an earlier version of unc0ver 3.0.0, then it is being advised that you grab the latest beta from and actually re-jailbreak the device to benefit from the latest improvements and the improved overall stability. This is, after all, a beta release, which means that it is a constantly changing landscape where device owners are asked to keep testing releases.