Asphaleia 2 : Add PassCode/Touch ID protection to Your iOS apps – iOS 8.4-8.3-8
iOS by default only allows you to add fingerprint or passcode protection to the whole device, however there’s no way to protect individual apps. That changes if you install the Asphaleia 2 from Cydia. With this tweak installed you can put Touch ID protection to any app you like and require the user to authorize through fingerprint before an app can be accessed. This hack is super useful as it lets you protect apps that contain your personal data such as Photos, Mail, Contacts, social apps and more. You can protect any stock or third-party app with Asphaleia 2.
The best thing about Asphaleia 2 apart from the features mentioned above is the seamless integration within iOS and the smooth animations, that make it feel like a default iOS functionality.
Conceptualized & Designed by Sentry
Coded & Developed by evilgoldfishAsphaleia provides a beautiful security system for your apps and more, coupled with an unparalleled level of user configurability.
Whether you use the gorgeously animated fingerprint scanning or the clean passcode input UI, accessing your secured apps is as straightforward as it is elegant.
Asphaleia also lets you secure apps dynamically without opening settings. Simply use Touch ID or an Activator Action in an app to add it to your secured apps list. The Asphaleia Control Panel can also be used to quickly enable or disable security for your selected apps, or all apps.
Secure various system functions as well such as app arranging, app previews, slide to power off, control center, spotlight, multitasking, and many more coming in updates.
Also included in Asphaleia are a plethora of options that let you customize exactly what you want to secure how you want to secure it. This includes letting you set authentication intervals, redefine unlock behaviors, specific fingerprint allowances, various Activator Actions, and many more convenient settings.
Asphaleia is compatible with all devices running iOS 8 and is partially compatible with iOS 7 devices.
Asphaleia 2 does not add the protection to any app or service right away as you can configure the interval times and change unlock behaviors. You can also assign specific fingers to specific apps if you like. To add any app into the list of ‘Secured apps’ you can perform an Activator gesture while using it or add an app through Settings.
Asphaleia 2 works with all versions of iOS 8 including iOS 8.4. You can download it on your jailbroken device for $1.99.
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