WatchNotifications : New Cydia Tweak Brings WatchOS style Notifications to your iPhone’s Lock screen
If you own an Apple Watch and wish to bring some of its look and style to iOS, you should check out a new jailbreak tweak Called “WatchNotifications” by Cydia developer Thomas Finch that brings a more elegant look to the notifications in iOS 8. The new WatchNotifications tweak brings the same look of Apple Watch notifications to iOS devices. The new notifications appear on the lockscreen, replacing the plain old notification banners of iOS.
While WatchNotifications only brings a visual change to the lockscreen notifications, it is a change that is very noticeable. It not only makes the alerts interesting but also gives a fresh look to the iPhone’s lockscreen.
WatchNotifications comes with a new dedicated preferences pane available in Settings. There’s nothing much to configure other than a few toggles to enable or disable the tweak and the app icon shadow. Once installed, the tweak changes the look of the Lock screen notifications only. This means that the notification banners and alerts will not be affected.
WatchNotifications is quite an interesting tweak that makes the Lock screen notifications on your iPhone look like cards stacked on top of each other and brings a more visually appealing look to them. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’d like your iPhone to stand out from the others. The tweak works with Priority Hub also as can be seen from the first screenshot.
If you’re interested to get your hands on it, WatchNotifications is available on Cydia’s BigBoss repo for $1.00 and supports iOS 8 / 8.3 – 8.4 devices. Leave your opinions about the tweak in the comments section below.