iOS 11 – 11.1.2 Compatible Cydia Tweaks

A stable iOS 11 jailbreak is out, which means for those who have successfully jailbroken iOS 11, it is now the time to install some tweaks. If you are looking to install tweaks but are not sure which ones are compatible, then you have come to the right place. In this article we have shared a list of over 120 Cydia tweaks that are confirmed to be working on iOS 11.1.2.

You can simply install these hacks on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and enjoy the fruits of jailbreak. The list of tweaks has been sourced from this GitHub page that has all the iOS 11 Compatible tweaks listed along with short descriptions. In fact we have already covered a large number of these tweaks on this website, so simply click on the tweak’s name to learn more about it.

Having a iOS 11 compatibility list for tweaks is useful, as installing unsupported tweaks can cause problems with your device. Here’s the list of over 120+ iOS 11 – 11.1.2 Cydia jailbreak tweaks that are stable and working:

iOS 11 Compatible Cydia Tweaks

  1. Accelerated Home Button
  2. Actual Battery
  3. AdaptiveKeyboard
  4. AEVUS
  5. AirSpeaker
  6. Alkaline
  7. Anemone
  8. Aporeo
  9. App Percent
  10. appinst (App Installer)
  11. AppSync Unified
  12. AudioRecorder 2 (iOS 8,9,10)
  13. AutoRotate
  14. Barmoji
  15. BatteryPercentX [Public]
  16. betterFiveColumnHomescreen
  17. BioProtect X for iOS 11
  18. Bloard
  19. BounceNotify8
  20. BreadcrumbsAway
  21. BrowserBreadcrumbCleanup
  22. ByeByeHUD
  23. CertRemainTime
  24. Change 4G to LTE
  25. ChargeMode
  26. ChargePulse
  27. Circa
  28. ClearBadges3DTouch10
  29. ColorBadges
  30. ColorComments
  31. CSources2
  32. CustomDock
  33. Cuttlefish
  34. Cylinder
  35. DarkMessages (iOS 10)
  36. Date In Statusbar
  37. DayNightSwitch DeleteCut
  38. DetailedBatteryUsage
  39. DisableLockCamera
  40. DismissAnywhere
  41. DismissProgress
  42. DNSCrypt
  43. DockAlpha
  44. DockXI For iOS10
  45. opeSettings
  46. DummyPass
  47. EasySwitcherX [Public]
  48. FakeTwitterFollowers
  49. FastUnlockX
  50. Fingal
  51. FingerTouch
  52. FiveIconDockXI
  53. Flame FlatSafariURL
  54. Flex 3 Beta
  55. GlowBadge
  56. Goodges
  57. GrowlNotifier
  58. GuizmoDNS
  59. HapticKeyboard
  60. Hid3x
  61. HideBarX [Public]
  62. iCaughtU Instagram ++
  63. Iphone X dock Theme
  64. iSwipe
  65. iTransmission
  66. Keyboard Accio
  67. LastLocked
  68. LegiBilly
  69. LocalIAPStore
  70. LockGlyph XI
  71. MakeRespringsGreatAgain
  72. Milkshake
  73. Moveable9
  74. NewTerm 2
  75. No More Villains
  76. NoFolderBackground
  77. NoLockScreenCam
  78. NoPageDots7
  79. NoSharePlz
  80. NoTrackpadDelay
  81. NotTodaySatan
  82. NougatFolder
  83. NudeKeys
  84. Numerals
  85. OpenSSH
  86. PicoBanners 2
  87. PlsIgnoreAlert
  88. PokeGo++ 2.0 for Electra!
  89. PPSSPP (Dev-Working)
  90. ProTube
  91. PullToRespring
  92. RespringProgress
  93. RocketBootstrap
  94. RomanPasscode
  95. SafariFullScreenScrolling
  96. SCOthman For Snapchat
  97. SimpleLSiOS10
  98. SimplePasscodeButtons
  99. SmoothCursor
  100. SmoothPop
  101. SnapchatNoClickbait
  102. snapdecent
  103. Speedy Homey
  104. SpringChanger
  105. StealMeme
  106. SwipeExpander
  107. SwipeForMore
  108. SwipeSelection
  109. SwipeSelection Pro
  110. SwipeShiftCaret
  111. TapController
  112. TapTapFlip
  113. TimeFormat
  114. TranslucentCydia
  115. Traverse
  116. Tweak Count 2
  117. tweakCompatible
  118. Twig
  119. TwitterUICustomizer
  120. Wallmart
  121. Watchdog Pro
  122. Wifi Passwords List
  123. wifiFirmwareUpdater
  124. YouTube Tools
  125. YouTubed
  126. YouTubeUICustomizer
  127. Zeppelin

These are all the jailbreak tweaks that you can install from Cydia that have been tested to work on iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2 with Electra jailbreak. If there’s any other tweak that is compatible but not listed above then make sure to let us know in the comments below and we’ll add it.

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