We have been waiting for a Pangu iOS 9.1 jailbreak for a long, long time, and guess what? The new and updated tool dropped just a few minutes back, and it supports jailbreaking iOS 9.1 on all devices, including 64-bit ones. And yes, if you focus hard on the words used in the previous sentence, 32-bit devices are not supported for the time being, and there’s a high chance that all of that could change in the days to come.
Pangu is now able to run the jailbreak on iOS 9.1, as well as on the previous versions of iOS 9.0, the team of hackers has introduced the support to firmware 9.1 thanks to an exploit in the kernel of iOS 9.1 which has been corrected by Apple with iOS 9.2. Therefore, for a jailbreak minor as this, the loss of the exploits that are useful for the future has been practically nothing.
Like the previous Pangu 9 tools released for Windows and Mac, the newly updated tools work in the same manner as well, and it’s a simple case of plugging your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch to your PC or Mac and then going ahead with the iOS 9.1 jailbreak. Also keep in mind that if you have a fresh installation of iOS 9.1 running on your iOS device, restored using iTunes, only then go ahead with Pangu 9 otherwise the entire process will simply fail. And no, you cannot downgrade from iOS 9.2.x to iOS 9.1 at this current point in time since Apple is not signing the firmware version.
You can download Pangu 9 for both Windows and Mac from our Jailbreak Tool page.
The entire list of compatible devices as per Pangu 9’s website are as follows:
iPhone(iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s), iPad( iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad mini 4, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 2, iPad Pro)
The entire changelog for both the latest Windows and Mac versions of Pangu 9 is as follows:

Also keep in mind that the exploit being used to jailbreak iOS 9.1 has been patched in iOS 9.2, so don’t expect Pangu 9 to come up with a jailbreak tool with support for iOS 9.2 and above just yet. But given the fact that progress has been made in the background, we have our fingers crossed for good news in the days and weeks to come.
Meanwhile, you can go ahead and jailbreak iOS 9.1!
Pangu Releases iOS 9.1 Untethered Jailbreak for 64-bit Devices!